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 Sugiru Juunana no Haru par Yamamoto Kotetsuko

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Team Fruitée

Nombre de messages : 50
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2013

Sugiru Juunana no Haru par Yamamoto Kotetsuko  Empty
MessageSujet: Sugiru Juunana no Haru par Yamamoto Kotetsuko    Sugiru Juunana no Haru par Yamamoto Kotetsuko  EmptyJeu 15 Aoû 2013, 16:47

Titre: Sugiru Juunana no Haru

AUteur: Yamamoto Kotetsuko

Team US: Bliss

Nombre de volume: 2 et completement finie chez la team US

Résumé: Takashi is haunted at night by visions of a woman begging for her child not to be taken away. He sometimes sees strange shadows outside his window, but tries his best to simply ignore them. As his seventeenth birthday approaches, the shadow becomes more and more clear, and the vision more vivid. Slowly, the once kind and caring Takashi becomes indifferent, and eventually cold and biting towards everyone around him. What does this sudden change in attitude have to do with his seventeenth birthday?

Sugiru Juunana no Haru par Yamamoto Kotetsuko  I133109

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